Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly



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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly

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MessageSujet: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 7:19

Judas Liam Hawkins
Ton crédo/ligne de conduite/citation favorite

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surnom ♦️ Jude, Dude, enfoiré, ce genre de chose
age ♦️ 20 ans
lieu de naissance ♦️ Glasgow
origines ♦️ Écossais
classe sociale ♦️ Dans la moyenne, merci papa !
emploi/étude ♦️ Chanteur et danseur
orientation sexuelle ♦️ Hétérosexuelle
statut ♦️ Célibataire
signe particulier ♦️ Liam a des tatouages sur les phalanges de la main droite ainsi que sur la fin de son avant bras droit.

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tues-l'amour ♦️ ta réponse ici
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Ici on veut apprendre à te connaitre parce que PWL c'est une grande famille & que pour faire partie de la "mifa" il faut bien passer par là Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 212682535
pseudo/prénom:Je suis un délaissé, j'en ai jamais eu Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 3271916155 ♦️ âge: Wild *sort* ♦️ sexe: Phénix ♦️où tu as trouvé le forum: Bouche à oreille ♦️ ce qui t'as poussé à t'inscrire: Bah...le contexte, le design 'fin bref...VOUS Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 891098728 ♦️ si tu devais y ajouter quelque chose: Un p'tit picon ♦️ célébrité: Josh Hutcherson :seth: ♦️ acceptes-tu de doubler ton avatar? Nan U^u Je garde Josh pour moi, la vague HG risque d'arriver et moi qui l'aimait déjà avant Hg (en fait..depuis que je l'ai vu dans Zatura) je le garde Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 123803809 ♦️ toi aussi tu traumatises tes sims? Question réthorique ? C'est tellement marant de les se noyer, sauf dans les Sims3...bah ouai ces crétins maintenant ils savent sortir sans échelles wth ? ♦️ des anciens personnages: Y a longtemps mais je n'avais pas le temps de venir, maintenant je suis entièrement à vous Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 683599537 ♦️ autres personnages: Aucun ♦️ scenario ou personnage inventé: Inventé ♦️
raconte-nous ta vie: JOKER Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 43523757
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 7:20

(re)bienvenue parmi nous, bon courage pour ta fiche Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 2806429274 I love you
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 7:23

NINA Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 173490454
Merci beaucoup =D
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 7:29

rebienvenue parmi nous Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 2806429274 I love you
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 7:30

Merci Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 3428422999
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 8:15

trop trop bien joss Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 173490454

bonne chance pour ta fiche
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 8:22

Bienvenue parmi nous, et bon courage pour ta fiche ! Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 2806429274 Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 1642801012
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 9:14

Re bienvenue ♥
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 9:42

AH TOI J'TE KIFFE Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 854838370 bon choix d'avatars et courage pour ta fiche Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 309181304
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 10:06

Bienvenue sur le forum, bon courage pour la rédaction Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 173490454 I love you
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 11:11

(re)Bienvenue chez les fous I love you
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Posy Hawkins
Posy Hawkins

messages : 14694
arrivée : 21/09/2011
avatar : nina dobrev.
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bonus à long terme : 3

« Le temps confirme l'amitié. »

Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 12:06

Rebienvenue parmi nous Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 2806429274
Bon courage pour ta fiche Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 309181304
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 15:44

Rebienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 212682535
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 17:50

Josh + le prénom Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 3183675940 re-bienvenue. Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 2806429274
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 23 Mar - 20:37

Bienvenue Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 173490454
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptySam 24 Mar - 15:02

    SALUT SANS NOM Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 337664734 Josh, hahah. C'est marrant, on voit directement quand un acteur commence à être populaire. On avait pas de Josh puis pouf, on en a deux qui tentent leur fiche Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 4153354820 Très bon choix malgré tout, haha. Bienvenue chez ton nouveau chez toi et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche waza Si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly 1229384058
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyDim 25 Mar - 12:37

(re)Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche. I love you
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Posy Hawkins
Posy Hawkins

messages : 14694
arrivée : 21/09/2011
avatar : nina dobrev.
multinicks : non.
disponibilité : fermé
bonus à long terme : 3

« Le temps confirme l'amitié. »

Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly EmptyVen 30 Mar - 10:43

Attention, ta fiche vient d'être placée dans les fiches en danger. Il te reste deux jours pour terminer ta présentation. Souhaites-tu un délai ?
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Liam ▬ Kamikaze airplanes in the sky are we going down or will we fly

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