Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels



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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels

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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:27

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∞ nom : Keane, comme le richissime Jonathan Keane oui. ∞ prénom : Dymphna, prononcé Dèphna. Nom originaire d'irlande comme vous pouvez le constater. ∞ âge et date de naissance : Née le 04 Juillet 1986. J'ai donc pratiquement 26 ans. ∞ lieu de naissance et origines : Je suis née à Glasgow en Ecosse. Par déduction je suis donc Ecossaise, mais mon papa était Irlandais. ∞ études ou profession : Intervention spéciale, je travaille dans le profilage. ∞ statut civil : réponse ici. ∞ traits de caractère : sociable ; têtue ; caractérielle ; menteuse ; maline ; drôle ; maladroite ; sérieuse ; généreuse ; franche etc. ∞ groupe et aspiration : sims ordinaire, aspiration : fromage fondu.

☇ TES MAUVAISES HABITUDES; raffole des munster munch • ne mange que les dragibus noirs, bleus et rouges • son seul amour reste son chien, elle n'a confiance en personne • met 3 couches de mascara sur chaque oeil à chaque fois • est une piètre cuisinière • adore son métier • fait beaucoup de sport • fait croire qu'elle est végétarienne lorsque la nourriture ne l'inspire pas • a été condamnée pour trafic de drogue à la place de son amoureux • déteste les fleurs • est allergique à la cacahuète • possède beaucoup trop de chaussures • dépense un peu trop d'argent • rêve de faire le tour du monde • collectionne les timbres • évitez de lui parler de son père • adore son appartement • parle un peu trop lorsqu'elle est bourrée • adore le football et joue à Call of Duty • les garçons la voient plus comme une bonne copine • est chiante • son visage d'ange lui fait obtenir tout ce qu'elle veut • s'est jurée que si elle recroise son ex mari, elle lui fait manger le sol • adore les sushis • lis la presse à scandales et en raffole • dort encore avec un doudou • son sac à main est un vrai bordel • adore les m&ms

behing the screen
∞ prénom et pseudo : meghan, .gasoline ∞ âge : vingt ans ∞ sexe : féminin ∞ comment as-tu connu le forum ? j'y étais autrefois mais je ne suis pas restée bien longtemps honte à moi, mais je l'ai connu sur bazzart ∞ t'es plutôt du genre à traumatiser tes sims où à aimer les belles et grandes familles parfaites ? disons un peu des deux (a) ∞ raconte-nous ta vie : hum j'ai vingt ans, j'habite paris et je rp depuis que j'ai 15/16 ans je crois, ça ne me rajeunis pas tout ça je vous l'accorde ! ∞ tes autres comptes sur pwl : nop ∞ célébrité : leighton meester, la magnifique

Dernière édition par Dymphna Keane le Dim 24 Juin - 12:20, édité 8 fois
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:27

once upon a time
Et maintenant, c'est le tour de l'histoire de votre personnage, et attention, nous voulons tout savoir. Ne lésinez pas sur les détails ! Attention cependant, évitez les gros romans, nous n'avons pas le temps de tout lire. Vous pouvez rédiger cette partie de la façon dont vous le souhaitez. Que ce soit sous forme de journal intime, style épistolaire, ou bien simplement par anecdotes, c'est vous qui décidez. Même si aucun nombre de lignes n'est imposé, merci d'en écrire assez afin que nous puissions cerner votre personnage un minimum.

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Dernière édition par Dymphna Keane le Dim 24 Juin - 12:49, édité 3 fois
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:28

Leighton, comment c'est trop ma femme. Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 1642801012
Bienvenue. I love you
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Aeden Chapman
lone wolf
Aeden Chapman

messages : 6890
arrivée : 12/09/2011
avatar : aaron taylor-j.
disponibilité : no babydoll.
crédits : whiskey lullaby pour l'avatar, ma fauve parfaite (clem, redsoul) pour la signature. ♥.
real life : alexia ; side.effect

activité : peintre (maudit). à part ça, pratique l'art de ne rien foutre à longueur de journée.
bonus à long terme : 0
lone wolf

« Le temps confirme l'amitié. »
humeur: don't care
adresse: hart's

Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:28

Bienvenue parmi nous, et bon courage pour ta fiche ! Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274 Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 1642801012
Pour les liens, si tu veux, je lirai ta fiche; on trouvera bien un truc avec Amber ou Nico Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 337664734 I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:33

Merci vous deux, vos avatars sont à tomber I love you
Pour vous parler un peu de Dymphna, elle a fait de la prison (pour un crime qu'elle n'avait pas commit) et se rachète une conduite en étant "profiler". Sous ces airs de fille sage, on lui donnerait le bon dieu sans confession mais elle n'est pas celle que l'on croit.
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:42

bienvenue chez les dingos et bonne chance pour le reste de ta fiche Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:50

Bienvenuuuuuuue I love you leighty Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:54

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche. I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:56

    La jolie Meester, en dehors de Gossip Girl, cette fille est vraiment sensas Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 1642801012 Bienvenue chez toi et bon courage pour la suite de ta fiche Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274 Si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite pas. Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 11:57

Meester I love you
Bienvenue Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 1112522673
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 12:07

Bienvenue chez les fous I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 12:11

Merci à tous I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 13:14

Meester ! Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 3183675940
Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche. I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 13:26

LEIGHTY Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274 Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 212682535
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Posy Hawkins
Posy Hawkins

messages : 14694
arrivée : 21/09/2011
avatar : nina dobrev.
multinicks : non.
disponibilité : fermé
bonus à long terme : 3

« Le temps confirme l'amitié. »

Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 13:33

bienvenue parmi nous Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274
excellent choix I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 14:43

meester la parfaite Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274 Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 1642801012
bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 15:59

MEESTER :rafou: excellent choix :bavegrave: bienvenue I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 17:43

Sublime choix Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274
Bienvenue parmi nous ♥️
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyDim 24 Juin - 19:01

Merci à tous I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyLun 25 Juin - 20:11

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
MEESTER Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 2806429274
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyLun 25 Juin - 21:49

leighty. I love you

bienvenue !
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyLun 25 Juin - 21:51

Leighton Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 212682535
Bienvenue (a)
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Bamba Lindstam
voodoo princess
Bamba Lindstam

messages : 5216
arrivée : 04/11/2011
avatar : tonkinator
disponibilité : roman, nora topic commun.
crédits : HALLELUJAH
real life : HALLELUJAH, anaïs

activité : princesse sorcière pratiquante du voodoo
bonus à long terme : 21
voodoo princess

Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyMar 26 Juin - 0:27

meester Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels 1642801012
bienvenue I love you
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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyMar 26 Juin - 20:45

Vos avatar *bave*
Merci, je n'oublie pas ma fiche hein, elle sera terminée avant la fin de semaine I love you
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Aeden Chapman
lone wolf
Aeden Chapman

messages : 6890
arrivée : 12/09/2011
avatar : aaron taylor-j.
disponibilité : no babydoll.
crédits : whiskey lullaby pour l'avatar, ma fauve parfaite (clem, redsoul) pour la signature. ♥.
real life : alexia ; side.effect

activité : peintre (maudit). à part ça, pratique l'art de ne rien foutre à longueur de journée.
bonus à long terme : 0
lone wolf

« Le temps confirme l'amitié. »
humeur: don't care
adresse: hart's

Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels EmptyVen 29 Juin - 18:41

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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels Empty

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Ҩ with the barrel of the gun between your teeth, you can only talk in vowels

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